Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Being thankful for today.

Today, I played hookie. Hooky? Hookee? I don't even know how to spell it- that's how often I cut class.

I picked up my new car, decided on homemade chili with cornbread for dinner, and got home...to Chad already at home and an air freshener for my new car, with a card on the table. A "random" act of love.

Thank you, Chad, for being my best friend and for being so amazingly wonderful to me lately even while I've been sick and too exhausted to do much more than make the bed.

That's all I really have to say today, but I will leave you with some silly pictures that I've been meaning to show.

Carson likes to hug Chad's leg while he snuggles.

I will probably never read a recipe all the way through before attempting it. This is what I had to google when I got all of my ingredients boiled, mixed, stirred, and...what? You need an ice cream machine?!...

While I do my homework, Carson lets me pretend I have a dog....he sleeps like one.

Thank you Chad, for letting me take pictures of the food that turns out half-okay before I allow you to dig in. Stuffed portobellos, salad, and tofu. Successful evening.

I know, Carson overload. But...Chad made this. Carson is in LOVE.

And here's my new car. :)


  1. Such a cute cat! :-) And your car looks pretty cute as well actually. Hehe.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! Carson IS pretty adorable. :)

  3. I think you cat looks so cool and chilled out. We have two cats and they never leave us with a dull moment.

    Chili with cornbread....Love it Save some for me. Congratulations on the new car and hope you feel better.

    thanks for following me on Blog catalog.

  4. Congratulations! Drive defensively, safely and politely. Get your car blessed. Love the cat. Funny you don't read the recipes. Ice cream in a blender. Somehow I don't think it was perfect. :P Come over to my blog SKDD and HalfHourMeals.com We'll help you get it together if you want lots of tasty ideas. Cheers. Love Carson!

  5. @ Greg- never thought my angry rescue cat would turn into such a love bug when I moved out of my parent's house and brought him with me to live as an only child! He's a riot! & There's plenty of chili AND cornbread left, come on over :)

    @ skdd- I misread tsp for TBSP and added a whole tub of peppermint...so my house was invigorated but my icecream went down the drain before I even got to try it! :( I need to stop doing things in such a hurry!
    Can't wait to start reading your blogs- I'll be sure to link back a few times with your recipes that I try!

  6. Enjoy your new car, and playing hooky! Playing hooky is the one useful thing I learned in school. I've been playing hooky all my life. The picture of Carson sleeping atop the post is an inspiration to us all.

  7. Awww -- what a cute kitty! Looks like you have a lot to be thankful for, and those mushrooms look delicious!

  8. Lovely cat! We are owned by four cats but no ginger ones yet. New car looks good too.

    Best wishes from England

  9. Love the pictures Janelle! Your cat is so sweet and your new car is awesome! Happy & Safe Driving!!

    Oooh Theresa's (SKDD) blog is to really cool! Lots of wonderful recipes and she is such a sweet lady as well!

    Ciao Xoxo

  10. @ Nothingprofound- I do LOVE my new car. I also love that it's averaging about 36mpg right now, which is 5 more than my old one! Carson is definitely an inspiration...except at 5:30 in the morning when he yells at me to get his breakfast :(

    @Janene- those portobellos came out awesome. I should post the recipe- I only made three because I THOUGHT the package had four, and for once I was fighting for the bigger half of the last one!

    @Glen- I've read somewhere that red kitties are the most aggressive- which I find to be absolutely accurate- he was terrible for a very long time. He'd swipe at your legs when you walked by! Now he's very mellow, although he IS high energy when it comes to chasing his mice :) He's become a very good boy since moving in with us! I think he didn't like being one of three cats.

    @TJ- I can't wait to keep checking her blog out! I love doing picture posts- it's something to do even though I don't have many words :)
