Monday, May 9, 2011

The diet-er's mashed potatoes, running, & photography

I need WAY better titles. Anyway.

A few weeks ago, my mom posted a comment to my blog. I was glad she figured out how to comment, but I didn't truly acknowledge the brilliancy that she left on xo, me.

Fast forward- this morning I had nothing to do. No work until 3. I woke up at 8 (major sleep in day, loved every second of this...) and had a cup of coffee, debated getting a haircut (but haircuts get me all nervous now since I can't find a place to get a trim for under $60...hence why I look like a ragamuffin...) & then decided against the haircut. I tidied up, went for a run, (okay, whatever, it was more walking then running, I can't help that I'm TERRIBLE at all things athletic) & got home. I sneezed nineteen-hundred times, then looked into my fridge and found the lovely cauliflower that was whispering, "prepare me."

Maybe it didn't say prepare. I was too mesmerized to actually listen to it ;)

Anyway- I remembered my mom's brilliant comment and decided to make the following diet-er's mashed potato recipe.

Cut up a head of cauliflower.
Cover a baking sheet with foil and spray it with cooking spray.
Spread the cauliflower out evenly and season with salt and pepper.
Cover with another sheet of foil and make a package.
Roast in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes until soft.
Carefully take off the top piece of foil and roast 15 more minutes.
Puree in a food processor with a half cup non fat plain Greek yogurt until smooth.
Yum! There's your new mashed potato recipe!
Love, Mom

Yum is right, mom! I don't have a food processor, so my mom gave me a family heirloom- my great grandmother's tomato sauce maker. (Nope, I don't know the real name, but I'm sure someone knows exactly what it is called besides a "handheld food processor" :) It took me a little longer, but all I could think about was my great-grandmother showing my mom how to make tomato sauce as a little girl- I love family stories like that.

In other news, Chad and I got out of the house the other day, despite the gross rain...and we went to a beautiful set of trails a couple of towns over so that he could go fishing. I had the camera and decided to practice some photography. It's just a little Canon Powershot SD780 IS, and Chad has a pretty good Nikon at home, but here's what I came up with with his point-and-shoot.

Hoping you all have a marvelous Monday!


  1. Hey Janelle! Have you gotten your necklace yet??? I'm so excited for you to open your package. ^_^

    I love your pictures, they're all so pretty! I cannot wait for a new camera. I'm stealing... I mean... Using my wife's right now. ;) She's so sweet to let me use it, as it's pretty much brand new. Her dad gave it to her and it's awesome!

  2. What a great recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it in your blog. I'm going to try it. :)

  3. Hey Angie! I just got it today! How adorable! :) Thanks so much- and YES, I loved your slanted handwriting ;) I'll do a thank you post tomorrow for you!
    Chad lets me use his camera...he's got a really nice one that I can't wait to try. I asked him if he minded and he said, "what's mine is yours." Awww :)

    Let me know what you think, timethief!
