Thursday, May 19, 2011

Maybe I'm procrastinating...

I have a BIG to do list today.

Days off for me are more like 12 hour periods of being awake where I'm doing all that silly stuff that NEEDS to get done that I don't get paid for in cash, but appreciation by Chad. He notices when I do things. I love that about him.
And YES...even though I'm on the path to become the ULTIMATE homemaker...I still want people to tell me I do a good job. So...I digress.

I enjoy lists. I LOVE making long lists where I can check off the things I do. I have cute notepads with roosters all over them- very country and I don't know why I'm like a rooster, but you get the idea I hope.

Today, I have to:
-mop the kitchen floor
-clean the entire bathroom
-dust the apartment
-go food shopping (that needs its own list...)
-find time for the gym
-continue my now full one-day streak of eating healthy... (After a few days don't WANT to know how good everything I'm paying for it.)
-do the dishes
-lysol/clorox everything! (germ freak...)
-clean 5 stalls at the barn
-drive to someone else's barn and talk about my new summer job
-babysit my niece and nephew from 530-10
-fall asleep, because I'm working 7am-11pm tomorrow

Ps; I realize I enjoy parentheses and italics.
Pps; you do all of that for me, I'll bake you hundreds of your favorite cookie.
Oh, and; it's still raining.


  1. The last line really caught me there...LOL! I love making lists makes the day's work and accomplishment of the same much easier! Have a gr8 day...:)

  2. Hah! Well, thanks to the world ending, it's now a beautiful sunny morning & I can't wait to go for a LONG walk before work ! :) (And finish the errands...)
