Monday, November 28, 2011

meet me on monday.

1. I really need to clean my _________?
CLOSET! I'd like to call it an organized mess..but I need better organization. I'd like a few shelves and a shoe rack, and a couple hooks for purses! When we buy our first home Chad promised me a nice one, so I'll wait patiently until then :)

2. What food makes you think of Christmas?
Egg Nog! My absolute favorite Christmastime "food." But, a food we always eat on Christmas is bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon. Delicious!

3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
Oh gracious. I'd have to say 25. I think it's young enough to be silly and fun, but old enough that I can be taken a bit more seriously (you'd be surprised how many people I meet that scoff at the fact that I'm 22).

4. What was your first paying job?
I walked dogs with my best friend from elementary school. We were called the "K9 Pals!"

5. Have you read the Twilight series?
I tried to read them- Chad enjoys the movies and I liked them as well, but I couldn't wrap my head around the books for some reason.


  1. Twenty-five is a great age. I was that age when I had my first daughter and that daughter would love the first job that you had. She loves and lives for dogs. :)

    I enjoyed reading your post. Have a great night!

  2. stopping by from MMOM
    25 is a great age :) I chose 29 for myself though
