Zumba- http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA1NDI2MzEy.html
This is a free site that has uploaded workouts! The link I've sent you to will be my workout of the morning (gas went up again, I can't justify driving 20 minutes to the gym when I'm not already on the way there...)
Hope you enjoy!
Another great site I'm using is myfitnesspal. If you join, be sure to add me as a friend! I'm mselle07 :) You can also download it on your smartphone!
I made some dinners for the week last night since I had a rare Sunday off- I made butternut squash soup, brown rice, mashed potatoes for Chad, and baked some chicken breasts for a few easy meals before we go to New Hampshire on Thursday for our Christmas gift to each other- a mini vacation back to where he proposed back in October. I can't wait!
Most weeks I'll try to make real meals for each night- yesterday I had some spare time and had all of the ingredients for those little things, so that's why there's NO variety. I'll also be using some canned beans I have for sides. It was a good start, at least. :)
Now, my new year's resolution was not to lose 10 pounds. That's been my resolution every year. (And yes, I've lost 5-10 pounds every year for the past..few.) But this year I want to create a healthier relationship with food and dieting. I have a tendency to get obsessed, and this year I'm looking for a different way to stay healthy. Do I have a goal to lose? Yes, but I also have a goal to gain muscle- so I'm not quite sure where my target weight is. Did I eat a little poorly this week? Yes! But you know what? I had fun, too. I tried "naan" sweet bread for the first time. I drank hot chocolate. But not once did I say, "ugh, how many calories is this, ugh." (Maybe I did. Once. But I got over it and enjoyed the time I was spending with my friends instead. I also went to the gym and drank lots of water, two big goals of mine this year!)
So that's my little rant- hope it made sense- and maybe it inspired you to remember the other things in life, too...
What are you doing so far to incorporate a healthier lifestyle? Things you've already been doing? New things to try? I'd love to know!
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