Monday, March 25, 2013


I was a vegetarian for 10 years. My lovely then-boyfriend even joined me for a few months before sitting me down for a serious conversation stating "this isn't working." After regaining my composure having realized all he needed was a burger & not a break-up, I began joining him on his meat-ful adventures.

We are both healthy people, for the most part. We do enjoy the occasional nacho plate at our favorite restaurant, & we are Guinness lovers for sure, but we've always eaten well & with the intention of nourishing our bodies.

Recently I decided to take the dive into something a little more... paleolithic.

The Paleo Diet  consists primarily of meat & vegetables. There is no processed food, no bread, no dairy, & no legumes allowed and most of the recipes I've come across have copius amounts of bacon involved in some way or another. While meat is not something I eat with every meal, I had been eating a lot of processed, canned & packaged foods recently & had been feeling the effects with fatigue, headaches, and the inability to concentrate for too long. I took the plunge, vowing no more bread or packaged foods and avoiding sugar besides fruit.

I've allowed myself one "fat girl" day a week. This past week was Sunday, where Chad and I shared a bottle of soft red wine from Trader Joe's. (For $3, you can't beat the deal. So. Delicious!)

So far I'm happy with the results. I eat much less but I'm more full from the natural fiber and the protein. I find I actually crave water & the natural foods taste so much better to me than the meals I'd been eating before. I'm way less bloated & puffy, too.

Wish I could say it's affected my workouts but I've got both an injured ankle & a roughed up shoulder so I'm not able to do a whole lot at the moment!
Stay tuned. I'll hula hoop or something. 

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any Paleo tips? (mrsproctor2be)
