I am forever trying to reach my goal of becoming the ultimate homemaker (just like momma) but today I really outdid myself.
With school, and work, and finals, I have done zero laundry. None. Zilch. Nada.
So the piles have continued to, well, pile in our bedroom and today I just couldn't take it. I whipped out my laptop, googled the best and closest laundromat to me...packed up ALL the laundry...and headed to Laundry Days.
I won't spend too much time on the place, but we'll just say that they have washers for 1 load, 2 loads, all the way up to five. I did one "three" load and TWO "five" loads. Thirteen loads of laundry. And no, I'm not complaining- it was my own fault for getting caught up in life, but I LOVE doing Chad's laundry and I love that he lets me!
Ps, I got the circular knifty knitter so you know what I was doing while I waited- and yes, I've finished a hat.
The dryers. Oh, my, LORD the dryers were just fabulous. It felt so nice to take my clean, perfectly hot clothes out of the dryer. I was practically drooling. Although I spent my Saturday night in sweats with no makeup at a downtown laundromat..it was totally fabulous.
I think I was pretty productive today!
Warm, clean linens,
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