Friday, January 21, 2011

"When you are truly happy, you are being your Self."

This a quote from a great book I'm reading, called "Happiness Now" by Robert Holden. Soak it up, laugh, but it's literally a book on how to be happy. And it's amazing.

While reading this book, though, I came across this quote and it made me think- mostly about the "self" part. I'm a college student, working between part and full time, and I don't really have time to think about who I am. So when I saw this quote, I thought, alright, I know I'm happy, but what's my Self?

So today, here are a few things I know about my Self.

I believe that I do NOT belong in a classroom setting- I was never a great student in school and even today I have to work REALLY hard to get decent grades.
I DO love learning hands on. I aced my chorus & acting classes, and I learned to ride horses and even trained my own horse.
My horse, Callie, is my therapy. She was neglected as a baby and from the time I bought her to when she was four, I was told to sell her and buy another horse because she'd never be what I "needed." Today, she is that and more, and she is what I am most proud of as far as my accomplishments so far.
I love having long nails, but I prefer them to be bare. I don't like color on them at all!
(I've only gotten like 4 pedicures in my entire life, but I always put dark red on my toes.)
I'm a bargain shopper. I very rarely buy anything full price, and I am not above salvation army or savers.
I love grocery shopping!
I also love doing laundry. But I HATE putting socks together.
I drive WAY too much; at least 3 hours of most days are spent in my car if I go to work & see my horse.
I live with my boyfriend, Chad, who is the love of my life and teaches me how to be a better person every day, in every way. I am absolutely head over heels in love with him and every day I feel it more.
I am NOT creative!-so decorating an apartment has been hard for me. But my mom is great and helps me a ton.
She's amazing, wonderful, & I could not ask for a more loving & perfect mother.
I'm also close with HER mother, and family means everything to me.
I love the color burgundy- but when it comes to clothes, I always seem to buy black.
I love picture frames, and I buy them almost every time I go into a dollar store, marshalls, tjmaxx, or my FAVORITE store, bed bath & beyond.
Sometimes I wonder if I have a "style" of clothing. I really don't think I do. I wear everything.
Well, everything that I feel comfortable in. I have really low self esteem and sometimes it takes me 4-5 tries to find an outfit I'm happy in.
I love my hair color.

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