Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

Yesterday Chad and I had the morning off together. We've been talking about where we want to go, where we want to be, etcetera, etcetera.
We've made the decision to stay in our apartment another year. With any luck, I'll have a full time job and we'll be able to put money away for our (dun dun dun!) house that we'll buy at some point in the near future. embarrassing as it might be to say, we decided to finally do all the finishing touches of unpacking and making our apartment home. I cleaned my closet and unpacked my last two boxes. He cleaned his office. And. Let. Me. Tell. You. It looks GREAT! Next step is to grab a sofa table to put in the living room for my laptop so I can have a little "desk." Then I need a bookshelf. And a spice rack. And...curtains for two rooms.

Yes. Two of our rooms are lacking curtains.

We've had this philosophy that "we're not staying here, so why spend money on the place?" But...our new thought is (and I can safely say "our" because he suggested it!) is that no matter where we go, as long as we're both's home.

And that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. And loved. home.

So we spent our morning drinking coffee, talking about tomorrow's, then getting down to business. Opening windows. Laundry. Dishes. Sweeping. Vacuuming. Sorting.
We've got a lovely pile for goodwill. I'm happy about that. One person's trash is another's treasure.

Happy Monday! What's on your list for Spring Cleaning?

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