Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunny Sunday...time to indulge.

I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed today (surprise!) & I had one thought on my mind. "What's for breakfast?" I could have done oatmeal...meh. I could be healthy and have a fruit salad and a slice of toast...meh.

Today, my friends, is a banana bread day.
I looked at my recipe, at the stick of butter, at the flour, and thought about finding substitutes for this morning's breakfast.


Not today.

I was amazing all week. I went out for dinner with my friends and got a salad and a water. No wine. No beer. No (ok, maybe I grabbed a couple off of Danyelle's son's plate..) french fries. But I DIDN'T use ketchup. It's fine, right?

This morning, I made my banana bread just as the recipe called for. And, I added in the chocolate chips.

This is my recipe, in case you're feeling indulgent.

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

1/2 cup (one stick) unsalted butter, plus more for the pan.
1 1/2 cups flour, plus more for the pan.
1/2 cup sugar.
3/4 teaspoon baking soda.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1/3 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
3 ripe bananas
1 large egg
1/3 cup plain yogurt (I used non-fat, it's all I had.)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract.
1 cup chocolate pieces.
3/4 cup walnut pieces.

Preheat oven to 350. Melt the butter over medium heat in a small saucepan. Cool slightly.
Whisk the flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon together in a large bowl.
Mash the bananas (strangely my favorite part!) in a medium bowl. Beat the egg in small bowl then mix into the bananas. Mix in yogurt, vanilla, and butter.
Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips and walnuts as the batter comes together. Don't over mix!
Scoop the batter into a buttered/floured pan.

Bake 30-40 minutes. (It says 60-70, but my oven is small and usually 30 does the trick. Basically until a toothpick comes out clean.)
Cool for 20 minutes before un-molding and slicing.

And, I'd love to have shown you a picture, but I yet again had a bit of a blunder. It's not BAD, but it's....not fluffy on top. And no fluff = unhappy banana bread. When it's done cooling, I'll be sure to have Chad test this Sunday's indulgence experiment ;)

Happy Cooking, even if you flub ;)

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