Thursday, April 28, 2011

Work trainings, self-care, &...bread & ice cream.

This past week, I participated in a training for my job- it was basically a psychological first-aide training, where we learned how to handle events at work that may be traumatic and how to take care of ourselves in a field where you are responsible for other people.
One of the training questions we were asked, among questions about our job and why we were in the field, was, "What are you going to do this weekend to take care of yourself?"

What are you going to do, to take care, of, yourself.

I didn't have to think about it much- I know that the place I feel most comfortable at is the barn, with my horse Callie. I know that I just bought running shoes and that I feel REALLY good when I'm gross and sweaty and my heart's pumping. I know that I like enjoying my spare time with my best friends and sipping a glass of cabernet (Cupcake is my brand of choice- deelish!)

I also know that I love bread. And ice-cream. So today, after I rode my horse, visited my mom, & did my laundry, I broke out my bread maker and I made a loaf of bread. And I pulled out the ingredients to make this ice cream.

The bread came out great after 3 hours and 40 minutes in the bread machine my mom gave me- and yes, I tried it almost right away! Yum!

My bread- yum! :)

Tomorrow, I will watch the Royal Wedding. I will ride my horse. I'll have a night off with my love, and we'll have date night. Dinner, a movie, and "skinny girl" margaritas. We're watching our figures.

So...I'd love to know. What are you going to do this weekend to take care of YOUR-self?


  1. Without doubt the quality of my life experience is influenced by my attitude and my willingness to take care of myself. I will be practicing mindfulness. I will be eating a healthy diet (primarily organic food). I will be cautious to stick to my diet and avoid eating foods that trigger allergies and food sensitivities. I will also stick to my yoga and walking exercise programs. If you are interested you can read the 20 strategies I employ every day to take care of myself in this post on my personal blog. Overcoming Chronic Illness and Stress

  2. I loove how the bottle looks of Skinnygirl. So fancy! Sounds like a good weekend ahead ^_^.

    I'll be working on my paintings. However I don't consider it working haha. My younger sister will perform tomorrow on a local festival as it is Queens day here (celebration of Queens birthday). Other than that I will bake some cake and sit in the garden to enjoy the weather. Next week I have a few appointments so will need to finish a few things on my to do list!

    Have all the fun!


  3. Cupcake is my absolute favorite! So darling. How are the Skinnygirl Margaritas? I've been dying to try them!

  4. i'm sure that will make a great dinner.:-)

  5. @ timethief- I LOVED your tips. Thanks so much for sharing!

    @ TJ- I love the bottle too! I might buy some just to decorate with ;) Heh.

    @ Courtney- Funny story. Haven't tried it yet. Poor Chad pulled a hamstring Thursday night and was on pain medication all weekend, so I played nurse and doing that while intoxicated probably wouldn't work. Hopefully we'll try again this weekend! I'll let you know!

    @ Manny- Thanks for stopping by! We certainly had a yummy weekend!

  6. Looks like you have quite a weekend planned. Awesome! Mine will depend on the weather but, regardless, I'll have fun. The kids get out of school today so we all plan to party!!

  7. @ Janene- the weekend didn't end up exactly the way I'd expected, but it was still pretty great :) Congrats, are they done for summer?!
