Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just my daily workout...

Okay. I'm joking. I wish I wasn't though. My friend sent me this and for a split second I got super motivated to do 100 jumping jacks. I see things like this and I think, oh gosh, that's so easy. I could totally do that. And then it comes down to it and I giggle to myself as I see it on my computer desktop.

But I'll tell you I'm going to try it, that I just haven't had TIME, or I haven't had ENERGY.

This post could be taken as a fitness tip, or a Silly Sunday picture. You choose!

Off to try this, (Or am I?)


  1. That is a totally great work out, I wish I could do it too.
    I'm the laziest person I know.
    Good look, hope at least one of us manages to do it. (",)

  2. Seriously! I keep thinking about it...just haven't quite done it yet. On top of the hungry horrors that have been just killing me lately...not a good combo!
    Thanks for reading!
