Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Goals, goals, goals

This lovely lady had an equally lovely idea, and I'm always one for taking ideas (and giving credit, duh!) She posted a few goals on her blog for May. Things to look forward to doing, things to keep her motivated.

I like it.

There are some things in May that I'd like to do. And you know I love lists. So here's a list of some things I'm planning on accomplishing in May!

2. Put my resume to at least 10 places.
3. Lose five pounds. Yes, just five. No rush.
4. Get into a workout routine. I've got some lovely trails that need some footprints.
5. Cook a healthy meal at least twice a week- and try three new recipes this month. (Yes...I know...but we only have two or three nights off together a week so this is actually QUITE ambitious!)
6. Go to the barn at least twice a week.
7. Dedicate more time to just me and pay more attention to my self care.

Obviously, since I'm nosy, I'd love to know what you'd like to do this May!


  1. Janelle, those are some excellent goals, and very achievable. How exciting that you're graduating college! Moving on in life. I never make goals-I just live day by day. Though I am looking forward to better weather here, so I can spend more time outdoors.

  2. Weather's looking pretty promising in my neck of the woods ! Looking forward to free time, without homework or studies, and enjoying walks (without being in a hurry to get anywhere!) and long rides with my horse- the best therapy there is :)

  3. What a great list. Very nice and manageable, but also very worthwhile. Congratulations on graduating, too. How wonderful and what an accomplishment!

  4. Congratulations on your graduation! Have a lovely summer on horseback and else-wise too.

    P.S. Up until the passing of my last 2 horses 6 years ago horses were always a primary focus in my life. I was a rider, trainer, and riding coach. Horses will always be my favorite animals with dogs running a close second.

  5. @ Janene- Thank you so much! I'm so excited to be graduating- four years actually flew by pretty fast, all things considered :)

    @Timethief- I had no idea you were a rider! I used to have a trainer, we ride for fun now but I wish I had a trainer still for both my mare and myself :) And I completely agree with you; dogs are my absolute number 2 :)
