Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Some pictures today...

If you're a horseback rider don't look at me- because I don't take lessons anymore. There's my little disclaimer ;)

& thanks, Sue, for taking these pictures for us! This day was a blast, and Callie was great while we went for a trail ride and then just had a five minute 'photo shoot' in the riding ring. Yay for t-shirt weather and fantastic ponies!


  1. You are so lucky! :O I have only been on a horse once and that was riding him - and being bucked off of him - in the rodeo!!!

    Also, our mail man hasn't picked up your package yet. I'm not sure where he is or what's going on, as we haven't received any mail either. :/ If he isn't here by this afternoon, I will personally go to the USPS and send you your package that way! I'm so sorry about the delay!

  2. Don't be sorry, and certainly don't spend any money on gas driving anywhere on my account- I will be patient, I promise!

    I was a little girl with dreams of ponies and bits and moment of my life was getting that little mare :)
