Sunday, May 22, 2011

College is what?

If you're anything like me, just finishing college with no immediate plans to further your education, then you're probably feeling a bit...borednervousexcitedanxious.

You're also feeling relieved.

Back to me.

College flew by- I'll give it that- and I wouldn't trade my experiences for the world. However, no one told me exactly what to do when classes were I decided to tell myself what to do. Here's a list of a few things I've been doing since finishing college:

1. I've been reading. For fun. Water for Elephants is incredible, by the way. I have an Amazon Kindleand it is the best thing that has ever happened to me (and I can REALLY say that now since I have barely had time to use it until now!)

2. I've been working out. And slowly getting into a routine. Let's face it- when you've got 3 papers to write, 2 books to read, and 1 exam to take, that week is probably going to be out for a trip to the gym. I'm excited to start a fitness routine that I can do without thinking about the papers I need to write and the research I need to conduct.

3. I've been spending time with my horse. Not just riding. I used to pride myself on the bond I had with my horse, Callie, and even though today I still have a brilliant connection, I haven't been doing what I'd like to. Taking her for walks (yes, like a dog.) Brushing her for hours because I have nowhere to do. Playing tricks. Sitting in her stall and reading a book. These may be childish things to do, but I missed them.

4. I've been shopping. To go out. I haven't been out in...forever.
4a. I'm learning how to walk in heels. That youtube video would get millions of hits. It's BAD.

5. I'm learning to be okay with not being incredibly busy. Thriving off of stress worked (kind of) in school- I'm ready to shake that off.

6. I'm sleeping. I go to bed earlier...and wake up later...and until the sun is out constantly and it's 75 degrees when I wake up, I'm going to keep doing that and be okay with it!

7. I'm re-connecting. I'm calling my friends that I haven't seen and inviting them over for wine and cheese. (Chad, relax, I'll do it on a Thursday when you're out!)

8. I'm starting a savings account and adding to it frequently.

9. I'm cleaning. I just deep-cleaned my entire apartment. I went through my closet. I'm bringing some things to the local second hand shop. I'm getting rid of saddles and bridles and blankets for Callie that I don't need. I'm purging the old. Soaking up the new.

10. Yes, I'm revamping my resume and sending it out, networking, and marketing myself for my future career!

Ps; I'm also drinking lots of tea. And I cut back on coffee. One a day is fine; four or five to get through classes is not!

What are YOU doing now that you're out of college? What do you plan to do?!


  1. Your list is awesome, considering the fact that it does look like you have certain stuff to do that you haven't done for long...and most importantly, each of them looks feasible to accomplish...I finished college long before, but believe me; your world is gonna get real busy soon..:))

  2. I know! I've decided to look for a job but also try to enjoy my summer. I'm hoping the vacation requests will be all be granted!!! :)
    I slept until 930 today. Wow!

  3. When you finish college, hope that your college debt isn't to large. No one needs to start life with a debt ceiling hanging around your neck.

  4. when i passed out of my college, I was a bit disappointed. My college had given me the best friends I have and the best years of my life. Ah, all the best for your career. Loved reading this post . :)

  5. @zobop-My college debt is a bit high- however I've already planned to save this summer to have a few months taken care of so that I'm not scrambling right away!

    @abhi- I commuted for most of college- and I certainly made friends, but it's a relief to be done with the hard work and to be able to see them now! Thank you so much for your well wishes!

  6. hey! I want to recommend a book I read on my kindle which I have found extremely useful and helpful. A couple of months I discovered "Guerilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0" Awesome book especially for those of us who recently graduated. It shows you how to network, how to use social networking to your advantage when job hunting, and how to put together a great resume. I highly recommend it! Since reading the book and fixing my resume up and using social networks to connect with professionals I have gotten 2 offers without me even soliciting. No lie. I loved this book. Anyway, let me stop before I sound like spokesperson for this book lol

  7. Hey Lily! Thank you SO much for this! I'll be sure to pick it up and read!
