Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well-intended on Wednesday...

Yes. My intentions today are splendid.

Are. Were. Still might be?

Last night I found out I did not get a job that I was really hoping for. I chose my attitude (a crappy one...where I sulked all night and went to bed with a tear...or five hundred..

But woke up this morning ready to tackle the day.

I had a relaxed trail ride with Sue... until my horse refused to walk through mud. We fought. I growled. She refused. And refused. And then...Sue asked her horse to walk through and the battle was over. Callie walked through the mud and perked her ears up relaxed entirely, and walked home with no further issues. Normally, I'd get upset and wonder what I did wrong. Today, I'm chalking it up to the fact that she is a mare. Horse term for "Woman." And she just didn't feel like doing it, so she didn't. Until she felt like it. I'm still calling it a win...yes, yes I am.

Then, I went to the gym and ran two miles. Well, I walked in between my slow, awkward jaunt. But my scale says I'm five pounds down and I used that as jaunt a little faster. That's a win, too.

My apartment is still in boxes (yet our apartment across the hall is not yet I've had boxes for a month..not great feng shui) but I had great intentions to at least tidy. Put the 4 loads of laundry I did away. Do the dishes that I was too lazy to do last night. Vacuum. Sweep.

You know what?
I had great intentions for the house work and the things that should be getting done, but today I think I'm going to keep focusing on me- because it feels good to do sometimes.

I'm going to snuggle with my cat (who seems to love it lately). I'm going to take silly pictures of him playing with hair ties. (Because he doesn't like the 9,000 toys we bought.) I'm going to make well-intentioned lists of things for me to do, for Chad to do, and for us to do. I'm going to dry my hair. Put on some mascara. Blast some soul music. (Today's soul feels like twangy country.)

You know what? My intentions are STILL good. They're great, actually. Because being self-centered once in a while is pretty healthy. At least it feels like it!


  1. I'm sorry you didn't get the job, lovely lady! But you know what, we all have a path and sometimes that extra push is all you need to get on the right path, am I right? ^_^

    Have a lovely day - sounds like you will! And country always is a good mood for your soul to have.

  2. randomly came across your blog! and im loving it!! sorry about the job. but like my dad always says...things happen for a reason...maybe there is a BETTER just just waiting for you out there somewhere. good luck!
