(Not my photo- found with google.com- doesn't it look great though?!)
I admit. I haven't had a CLUE of what I wanted to blog about the past couple of days. Yesterday I considered telling you all that a 15 minute Biggest Loser workout absolutely did me in and I was sore instantly. Nope, why would I EVER admit that?
So here's a little taste of what I've been eating as a vegetarian: (list is not huge as I've only been "back" a few days!)
Oatmeal with nuts & dried cranberries + squash
Egg white omelets with spinach
Protein Shakes on those busy days!
Tofu-pup (soy hot dog) in light wheat bread
Salad with lots of veggies & tomato
Spaghetti Squash
Veggie Burgers (home made!)
Veggie pizza ;)
This was originally going to be my only posting today.
But this morning I got to thinking about my lovely coffee date yesterday with a friend. Okay. This friend. As we were leaving, she said, "I think you should go home and cook." I laughed at her. But...I went home and decided to cook a fantastic vegetarian dinner for my lovely boyfriend and I to enjoy before going out for a couple drinks at this place.
I started by cutting a spaghetti squash in half, generously putting sea-salt and pepper over it and put it in the oven for about 15 minutes. Then, I saw that I had tofu in the fridge. Right then and there, I yelled to Chad, "we're also having vegetarian meatballs."
I'm slightly embarrassed to say that my tofu-mixed-with-onion-&-rice meatballs did NOT hold one bit, and it ended up being some flavourless, rice-y and tofu-ey mixture. I'm new at this. I wasn't thinking. Woops!
The spaghetti squash, tomato-basil sauce, and my weird vegetarian mixture were on the table. I promised Chad I wouldn't be upset if he didn't eat the weird mush I made.
I LOVE this boy for trying my concoctions regardless of how they may look, and for always finishing his plate and telling me how wonderful my food came out. This is true love. And I'm honestly not completely sure if he MEANS that it is so wonderful, but it's definitely a motivation to keep trying!
When mixed with the spaghetti squash, we had a delightful and flavourful meal that was packed with protein from the tofu and got plenty of veggies from the "pasta."
Afterwards, we went out on a wonderful date and enjoyed Guiness at the Irish Pub down the road, along with Irish music & Trivial Pursuit. I love our nights off together.
Enjoy your Sunday!
xo- me
It's fun to experiment in the kitchen, and being a vegetarian forces you to be creative. It's dull to eat the same old dishes, though I have to admit, I am guilty of that most of the time.
ReplyDeleteI love spaghetti squash! That's what we're having tonight- in burger form mixed with tofu :) Mmmmm.. So yummy.
ReplyDeleteAnd goodwill, so good. We got a board game and played it last night :) Rory's fun?
That sounds so good! I'll have to tackle that soon, too :) Yum!
ReplyDeleteRory's was great! We had a blast- it was nice to get out for a while and just enjoy each other. (and Guinness.)
And, YES, I agree it is fun to experiment- I'm learning, I'm getting better :)
Hi Janelle!
ReplyDeleteYour dish is looking very tasty! I think by exploring new things and experimenting you can discover so much more! There is a whole world out there of flavors and dishes that people don't even consider because it's so easy to turn to what they already know (or they are just lazy hehe)
I love to cook myself and while I learned a lot from my mom, I explored other cuisines as well. A while ago my little cousin was diagnosed with a gluten allergy, so I'm also looking into gluten free recipes. It's a challenge, but her smile makes it all worth it :D
I'm definitely guilty of the lazy part at times! I'm definitely learning to have patience and pick up a spatula instead of a spoon and cereal..
ReplyDeleteThat's so great that you are cooking for your cousin! Gluten free is so much easier now- I see options all over the place!
Janelle, hats off to you for all your cooking efforts. Unfortunately too often I fall into the 'lazy' category...I work strange hours, so getting home and cooking is not always the most appealing thought. I do love to bake though :) weekends are baking time.
ReplyDeleteYour dish looks delicious, and that list of veggie meals also looks super tasty (love veggie burgers and spaghetti squash!)...mmm...
Can't take credit for the photo- wish I could! I'll go back and edit it so no one thinks I'm stealing...
ReplyDeleteI work 3-11 so I completely understand the strange hours deal! I'm hoping this weekend to make a few banana breads as gifts...one for my barn owners, one for my new neighbors that I just met- they were so kind!
Thanks for coming by!
I made spaghetti squash the other night for the first time. I dunno if I did it right though...it was still had a crunch and was somewhat watery. The tomato sauce I made for it though came out good! :)