Friday, July 15, 2011

working hard!

Today I went to the barn ready to get my head in the game. Our last ride I was feeling pretty distracted with a few things that have been going on so it felt good to go with a clear mind.
Normally when I ride, its just to ride enjoy myself- trails, small bit of collection, jumping, etc. I hadn't had a lesson in a long time so it didn't seem to make sense to do something I wasn't confident in, right? Well, right or wrong, I've had a lesson and hope to continue- and even after just one, I'm feeling confident in asking for a bit more from Callie.

The bugs were eating her before we even went out, so most of our ride was at the trot or canter to keep the flies at bay. Most of the ride was on a 40 meter circle. I pushed her into a medium trot, and worked on holding my contact steady while driving her into the bit and using her hind end. Callie was a bit argumentative when she realized I had spurs on...but she eventually realized that she didn't feel them too often if she kept the impulsion.
One problem I did have, was feeling her leaning on my hands. I pushed her forward and tried to lift her with my body (shoulders, chest, core) but she leaned and was quite heavy in my hands. Overall, though, for a pretty intense ride for us, she was great and did everything I asked.

...She even picked up a lovely canter from the walk in both directions! It felt great and will only get better. She did it perfectly once and threw in 5-6 trot steps max- but its something we've just started so I was very happy with her intentions!

After the ride I saw that lovely indicator that the horse is using her tushie- that white sweaty foam we like to call butt butter! (If you're not a horse person, I probably sound disgusting. Sorry.)

I gave her a good hosing, (she even drank from the hose !) and took her outside to eat grass as a reward. Its so calming watching her.

Wish I could see her every day. Lately I've been wishing I had rough board options closer to home. Half an hour is a long drive especially with gas prices...its at least good to know that she is so well taken care of by such great people!

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